
Module to perform surface spherical harmonic analysis using:

  • point data values,

  • mean data values.


This documentation is written for double precision version of CHarm.

Analysis of point values

Functions to perform spherical harmonic analysis of point values.

void charm_sha_point(const charm_point *pnt, const double *f, unsigned long nmax, charm_shc *shcs, charm_err *err)#

Performs the exact surface spherical harmonic analysis based on point data values:

\[\begin{split}\left.\begin{aligned} \bar{C}_{nm} \\ \bar{S}_{nm} \end{aligned}\right\} = \dfrac{1}{4 \pi} \, \dfrac{R}{\mu} \, \left( \dfrac{r}{R} \right)^n \displaystyle\iint_{\sigma} f(r, \varphi, \lambda) \, \bar{Y}_{nm}(\varphi,\lambda) \, \mathrm{d}\sigma {.}\end{split}\]

The coefficients are automatically normalized to the constants \(\mu\) and \(R\), which are taken from shcs->mu and shcs->r, respectively. If \(r \neq R\) (pnt->r[i] != shcs->r), the coefficients are also rescaled from the data sphere with the radius \(r\) to the reference sphere with the radius \(R\) using charm_shc_rescale(). If \(r = R = \mu = 1\) (pnt->r[i] == shcs->r == shcs->mu == 1.0), one gets the well-known relation for spherical harmonic analysis on the unit sphere (no normalization, no rescaling).

The integrals are evaluated by exact quadratures, either the Gauss-Legendre or the Driscoll-Healy one. The type of the quadrature to be applied is determined by pnt->type.

The loop over latitudes is parallelized using OpenMP.

The function exploits the symmetry property of Legendre functions with respect to the equator, thereby improving its performance. For further details on the grid requirements, see charm_shs_point().


  • Driscoll, J. R., Healy, D. M. (1994) Computing Fourier transforms and convolutions on the 2-sphere. Advances in Applied Mathematics 15:202-250

  • Sneeuw, N. (1994) Global spherical harmonic analysis by least-squares and numerical quadrature methods in historical perspective. Geophysical Journal International 118:707-716

  • Heiskannen, W. A., Moritz, H. (1967) Physical Geodesy. W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, 364 pp

  • Fukushima, T. (2012) Numerical computation of spherical harmonics of arbitrary degree and order by extending exponent of floating point numbers. Journal of Geodesy 86:271-285


The function modifies shcs->c and shcs->s, but it does not touch the remaining members of shcs. If shcs->nmax > nmax, the coefficients beyond nmax are set to zero.

  • pnt[in] Structure defining grid points and integration weights (see charm_point). The pnt structure must be prepared by calling the charm_crd_point_gl(), charm_crd_point_dh1() or charm_crd_point_dh2() with some nmax_signal. Importantly, it is assumed that no harmonics (frequencies) are present in the input signal beyond nmax_signal. Otherwise, the output spherical harmonic coefficients will suffer from the alliasing effect.

  • f[in] Input signal with point data given at the nodes of the pnt structure and containing harmonics up to degree nmax_signal at most. The pointer f must have an access to pnt->nlat * pnt->nlon array elements. The value of f at pnt->lat[i] and pnt->lon[j] must be stored as f[i * pnt->nlon + j] with i = 0, 1, ..., pnt->nlat - 1 and j = 0, 1, ..., pnt->nlon - 1.

  • nmax[in] Maximum harmonic degree of the output spherical harmonic coefficients. If f is properly given at the nodes of the Gauss-Legendre or the Driscoll-Healy grid for nmax_signal and no harmonics are present beyond nmax_signal in f, than the output coefficients are computed exactly for all nmax <= nmax_signal.

  • shcs[out] Output spherical harmonic coefficients (see charm_shc).

  • err[out] Error reported by the function (if any).

Analysis of mean values

Functions to perform spherical harmonic analysis of mean values.

void charm_sha_cell(const charm_cell *cell, const double *f, unsigned long nmax, int method, charm_shc *shcs, charm_err *err)#

Performs an approximate surface spherical harmonic analysis based on mean data values (area means, block-means) given over grid cells:

\[\begin{split}\left.\begin{aligned} \bar{C}_{nm} \\ \bar{S}_{nm} \end{aligned} \right\} =& \dfrac{1}{4 \pi} \, \dfrac{R}{\mu} \, \left( \dfrac{r}{R} \right)^n \, \sum_{i,j} \tilde{f}(\varphi_i^{\min}, \varphi_i^{\max}, \lambda_j^{\min}, \lambda_j^{\max}) \\ &\times \int\limits_{\varphi_i^\mathrm{\min}}^{\varphi_i^\mathrm{\max}} \bar{P}_{nm}(\sin\varphi) \, \cos\varphi \, \mathrm{d}\varphi \, \int\limits_{\lambda_j^\mathrm{\min}}^{\lambda_j^\mathrm{\max}} \begin{Bmatrix} \cos m\lambda \\ \sin m\lambda \end{Bmatrix} \mathrm{d}\lambda{.}\end{split}\]

See also the comments from charm_sha_point() on the normalization and rescaling of the coefficients with \(R\), \(r\) and \(\mu\).

Applied is the approximate numerical quadrature due to Colombo (1981).

The loop over latitudes is parallelized using OpenMP.

A note on grid cells

Since the quadrature is approximate, the grid restrictions are more relaxed when compared with charm_sha_point(). Yet, some conditions has to be fulfilled:

  • at least nmax + 1 data values in f are required in the latitudinal direction,

  • at least 2 * nmax + 1 data values in f are required in the longitudinal direction,

  • cell->latmax[0] has to be equal to PI / 2.0 (within the charm_glob_threshold limit, see charm_glob),

  • cell->latmin[cell->nlat - 1] has to be equal to -PI / 2.0 (again, within the charm_glob_threshold limit),

  • cell->lonmin[0] has to be equal to 0.0 (still within the charm_glob_threshold limit),

  • cell->lonmax[cell->nlon - 1] has to be equal to 2.0 * PI (still within the charm_glob_threshold limit),

  • the maximum latitude of one cell has to be equal to the minimum latitude of the next cell that follows (the same holds also for the longitudes; both within the charm_glob_threshold limit).

If possible, the function exploits the symmetry property of Legendre functions and their integrals with respect to the equator, thereby improving its performance (see charm_shs_cell()).


  • Colombo, O. L. (1981) Numerical methods for harmonic analysis on the sphere. Reports of the Department of Geodetic Science, Report No. 310, 140 pp

  • Heiskannen, W. A., Moritz, H. (1967) Physical Geodesy. W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, 364 pp

  • Jekeli, C., Lee, J. K., Kwon, J. H. (2007) On the computation and approximation of ultra-high-degree spherical harmonic series. Journal of Geodesy 81:603-615

  • Fukushima, T. (2012) Numerical computation of spherical harmonics of arbitrary degree and order by extending exponent of floating point numbers. Journal of Geodesy 86:271-285.

  • Balmino, Vales, Bonvalot, Briais, 2012. Spherical harmonic modelling to ultra-high degree of Bouguer and isostatic anomalies. Journal of Geodesy 86:499-520, doi: 10.1007/s00190-011-0533-4

  • Fukushima, T. (2014) Numerical computation of spherical harmonics of arbitrary degree and order by extending exponent of floating point numbers: III integral. Computers & Geosciences 63:17-21


The function modifies shcs->c and shcs->s, but it does not touch the remaining members of shcs. If shcs->nmax > nmax, the coefficients beyond nmax are set to zero.

  • cell[in] Structure defining grid cells (see charm_cell).

  • f[in] Input signal with block mean data given at the nodes of the cell structure. The pointer f must have an access to cell->nlat * cell->nlon array elements. The mean value of the signal at the i-th cell in the latitudinal direction and the j-th cell in the longitudinal direction must be stored as f[i * cell->nlon + j] with i = 0, 1, ..., cell->nlat 1 and j = 0, 1, ..., pnt->nlon 1.

  • nmax[in] Maximum harmonic degree of the output spherical harmonic coefficients.

  • method[in] Method of spherical harmonic analysis of cell data. The only method currently supported is the approximate quadrature CHARM_SHA_CELL_AQ.

  • shcs[out] Output spherical harmonic coefficients (see charm_shc).

  • err[out] Error reported by the function (if any).


enum [anonymous]#

Harmonic analysis methods using evaluation cells.


enumerator CHARM_SHA_CELL_AQ#

Spherical harmonic analysis of cell data using the approximate quadrature method.