
Module defining the pyharm.glob.Constants class for global CHarm variables.

class pyharm.glob.Constants#

Class for global CHarm variables.


This module is for experienced users only. Most users should not interact with it.

property threshold#

The CHarm’s charm_glob_threshold variable. To change its default value to, say, 1e-12, use the following command:

>>> pyharm.glob.Constants().threshold = 1e-12
property threshold2#

The CHarm’s charm_glob_threshold2 variable. To change its default value to, say, 1e-11, use the following command:

>>> pyharm.glob.Constants().threshold2 = 1e-11
property polar_optimization_a1#

The CHarm’s charm_glob_polar_optimization_a1 variable. To change its default value to, say, 50, use the following command:

>>> pyharm.glob.Constants().polar_optimization_a1 = 50
property polar_optimization_a2#

The CHarm’s charm_glob_polar_optimization_a2 variable. To change its default value to, say, 0.02, use the following command:

>>> pyharm.glob.Constants().polar_optimization_a2 = 0.02